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Write Your Book in One Day

Free Workshop

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


One prolific day


Hundreds of books written


Participate online from anywhere in the world

Sign-Up Form

Is it possible to write a book in a single day?




We want to prove it to you.


Sign up for Write Your Book in One Day.


There's no cost to participate in this writing workshop. It's free!

Learn from Best-selling, Award-winning Authors

•   We show you how to write a book in one day.


•   Your completed book manuscript will (most likely) be around 500 to 5,000 words. 


•   Your book will be brief, simple, and powerful.


•   A tiny project you can realistically finish in a single day.


By the End of the Day

You will have a:


•   Completed book manuscript (rough draft).


•   Quick win to boost your confidence.


•   New attitude about writing.

After the Workshop

You wrote a book manuscript during Write Your Book in One Day. Now what?


If you want to self-publish your book, you can do that.


If you want to pursue a book deal with a traditional publisher, you can do that, too.


Both paths are excellent. After the workshop, we send you an email outlining what to do next, depending on which path you prefer.


You Can Do This

If you can write an email to a colleague, a letter to a friend, or tell a bedtime story to a child, then you can write a book.


You already know how to put your ideas into words.


You just need some guidance, structure, and a gentle push to get going.

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What Kind of Book Will You Write?

Once you sign up, we give you a list of 20 quick book ideas.


Review the list. Get inspired. Pick an idea that sounds doable. Run with it.

  • List Book                                 

  • Collection Book                     

  • Speech Book                       

  • Very Short Story Book           

  • Sent Folder Book                                 

  • Letter Book                  

  • Advice Book                 

  • Journal                                              

  • Children’s Book             

  • Best-of Book                 

  • Question Book

  • Blog Book

  • Workbook                     

  • Day Planner

  • And many more


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

This workshop is free and happens online.


Participate from anywhere in the world.


Any country. Any time zone.

If you can't attend the co-working session because it's happening at an inconvenient time for your time zone, no worries. Skip it. Do your own writing session at any point in the day, whenever it suits your schedule.

9 am Pacific / 12 pm Eastern

Check Your Email & Get Your Instructions


Good morning, authors! Check your email.

We email you a brief presentation (pre-recorded audio, 20 minutes) on how to write a book in one day. 


Listen to this audio to get your instructions for the day. Ready, set, go!

10 am to 3 pm Pacific / 1 pm to 6 pm Eastern

Co-working Time to Work On Your Book


Join us on Zoom for co-working time.


Use this time to work on your book manuscript: write, edit, copy-paste, compile, whatever you need to do.

Stay for the entire time or pop in and out as you wish.

Get uplifted by the community energy: hundreds of people focusing and writing at the exact same time as you.

3 pm Pacific / 6 pm Eastern

Celebrate Your Progress & Tell Us What You Finished


Stop for the day. Celebrate whatever progress you’ve made!


If you finished writing your entire book, amazing.


If you wrote two pages, excellent.


Either way, you’re further along than you were at the beginning of the day. Great work!


Whether your project is completely done or in progress, email us and give an update on what you finished. (We’ll write back to congratulate you.)

Resources to Make it Easy

When you sign up, we give you:

  • 20 quick book ideas: A list of options you can realistically complete in a single day.

  • Sample book outline: Type directly into the document's blank sections.

  • Pre-recorded audio:  20 minutes of instruction on how to choose a book topic and keep it simple.

  • Community: Hundreds of people writing, all at the same time.

  • Prizes: Be one of the first 5 people to complete your book manuscript and win a prize. 

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About Get It Done



Get It Done is a company that provides writing coaching, editing, proofreading, cover design, publishing, and distribution services for people who want to write a book.


Our expert team includes seasoned book-industry professionals.


Publishing awards that our team—and our clients—have won:




  • I don’t live in the United States. Can I do this course?
    Yes! Last year, we had people participating from Canada, Sweden, Australia, and many other places. As long as you’re comfortable reading materials and watching videos that are in English, you can absolutely take this course.
  • I can’t attend some of the meetings. Will they be recorded so I can catch up later?
    Yes! All meetings are recorded.
  • I am worried I will fall behind and won’t be able to keep up with the course. What if I can’t complete everything in 45 days?
    This course is designed to have a calm and realistic pace. It is not a frenzied sprint! However, if you need more time, that’s okay. At the end of the course, you receive a download link. You can download all the course materials (workbooks, checklists, videos, assignments, etc.) all in one place. You get to keep these materials forever. So, you can keep learning and working independently even after the 45-day course has ended. There is no rush. Take all the time you need.
  • Does The Email Course focus on emails or newsletters or both?
    In this course, we primarily focus on emails that you’re sending to one person at a time. For instance: - Email to a dream client to introduce yourself and invite them to check out your work. - Email to a colleague to see if you can collaborate on a project. - Email to a local journalist to share info about your work and see if they’d like to interview you. - Email to your hero to ask if they’ll be a guest on your podcast. - Email to follow up with someone who seemed interested in hiring you, but then mysteriously disappeared and never confirmed. In The Email Course, we do spend a little time discussing how to write effective newsletters for your mailing list, but that’s not the main focus of this course. If you want to go deep into all things newsletter-related, check out Newsletter Magic.
  • Can I just buy the 70 email samples and templates but not the entire course?
    That’s a good question! We considered offering just the templates alone, but ultimately decided not to do this. The reason is, you will get much better results if you use these templates paired with the training and coaching that we provide in the course. It’s like the difference between someone handing you a list of instructions on how to build a house versus a professional architect working alongside you, guiding you through the process, and answering your questions as you go. Sure, both options can work, but you’re going to be a lot more successful with the second option! That’s why we offer these templates as part of The Email Course, rather than a stand-alone product
  • I did this course last year, and I loved it! I am considering doing it again. Will the 2021 course be different than 2020 or exactly the same?"
    It will be similar, but slightly different. We’ve made a few tweaks to make the program even better than before, including: - Longer format. 45 days instead of 25. More time to take action and implement what you’ve learned. - Additional team members to serve you, which means an even faster response time whenever you email to ask a question. - And a few tweaks to the curriculum to make it even more timely and relevant. Because the business landscape in 2021 is not exactly the same as 2020. Plus, it never hurts to revisit concepts you’ve already learned! A good refresher for your brain.
  • I don’t run a business / I am not self-employed. Will I benefit from doing this course?
    This course is mainly geared towards people who are self-employed—business owners, freelancers, coaches, consultants, artists, makers, creators, people who sell products, services, art, books, or all of the above. However, in last year’s course, we also had a few folks who work in fundraising, the non-profit sector, or have a traditional 9-to-5 office job. Regardless of what type of work you do, chances are, you probably write emails. So, strong email-writing skills are extremely valuable in any profession or industry. If you have a hunch that you’ll benefit from this course, we welcome you to sign up!
  • I’d like to purchase this course for an employee on my team / for a friend / for my kid / for my spouse / etc. May I do that?
    Yes, you can! Just go ahead and enroll as you normally would. Then email us at to let us know the name, email, and snail-mail address for your lucky gift recipient.
  • I really want to do this course. But I am experiencing severe financial difficulties and can’t pay for it right now. Do you offer scholarships?
    Yes. We give out (at least) 30 scholarships per year. In the spirit of equity, we give first priority to people of color, queer and non-binary folks, differently-abled folks, and other marginalized people who struggle due to unfair systems in our society. We offer a “pay nothing now, pay what you can later” scholarship. To learn more about the scholarsip and to apply, click here.
  • This might be a silly question, but is this course only for women? It seems like most of the people who did the course last year were female. Can men do it, too?"
    Not silly at all! We welcome women, men, and non-binary folks in this course. Most of our course participants tend to be female, but we welcome everyone. All genders, all faiths, all nationalities. All humans: welcome.
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