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How she wrote two books in one year.

We are thrilled to highlight Sally Anne Carroll, who recently wrote not one but two books. She’s a double-author! We’re so excited for her success.

Sally, congratulations on becoming an author—twice! How does it feel?

I’ve been secretly (and not-so-secretly) thinking about writing a book for years. I’m so excited to have accomplished one of my big goals.

The day that I received my book in the mail was a celebration in our house. But what made it feel real has been hearing from readers who are enjoying the book. That’s been amazing.

Tell everyone about your new books. What are they about?

The pandemic opened up my schedule a bit, so I wrote two books in the last year.

One is called Reinvent Your Reality: A Positively Practical Guide to Revitalize Your Life & Work. It’s a step-by-step process for reinventing anything in your life, big or small.

My second book is called Nourish: 28 Daily Dares for Busy People Craving Sustainable Self-Care.I wrote this book because most of my clients struggle with self-care and what it actually means. The book includes 28 challenges to help you develop a highly personal self-care routine that fits into your busy life.

Lots of people fantasize about writing a book but never get around to doing it. What made you decide, “I’m ready to do this. The time is now.”?

I had a pocket of time available. I took a class that helped me create a book outline. And, I shifted my mindset. In the past, the idea of writing a book seemed so big and daunting. But I reached a point where I realized, “This doesn’t have to be so complicated. Of course, I can do this.”

What was the hardest part about creating your books?

The hardest part was getting started. That involved a bit of stop and start. But once I had the outline and the momentum of writing every week, everything started to flow. Getting those first drafts done was definitely the toughest piece.

Every author has a different writing process. Some people need to leave home and check into a hotel in order to get things done. Some people like to write first thing in the morning, while others are night owls. What was your writing process?

I tried a lot of things. What ultimately worked best for me was putting chunks of time on my calendar 1-2 times per week to write in my office. It’s a sunny and energizing space.

I wrote on days when I didn’t have client commitments or meetings, which helped with focus. Also, I had a few places where I connected with other writers (including The Tiny Book Course) and that was super helpful for getting the work done.

In addition to enrolling in The Tiny Book Course, you hired Get It Done for Book Production Services. Our team provided copyediting, proofreading, cover design, interior layout, and publishing to get your book completed. What was your favorite part of the process?

I really felt taken care of and guided through the process. I loved seeing the book come to life and go from Word document to actual book layout.

The cover design process was really fun, too. Seeing the professionally-designed cover come together made the book feel real.

Imagine someone out there who dreams about writing a book. But this person feels like: “I’m nobody special,” “I’m not a very good writer,” “Who would want to read my book anyway?” What would you say to this person?

I’m a coach, so encouragement is my native language. But seriously, if you are thinking about writing a book, then you do have something to say. There are people out there who are waiting for you to say it—in your unique way.

Our world is made up of stories and yours is important. I would tell anyone who wants to write to start writing, trust and believe in that desire, and see where it takes you.

Once you release a book into the world, it creates a ripple effect. Magical things begin to happen. Your book could lead to a speaking engagement, media appearance, new clients, or something unexpected. We call this “Book Magic.” Has any Book Magic happened for you?

Yes! The Book Magic is real!

When Nourish came out, I was surprised by how many colleagues, old friends, and even extended family reached out about it.

One family member (who I haven’t seen in years) ordered copies for her work team.

A few clients, past and present, ordered copies for friends so they could read the book and work through the exercises together. That’s been great. I know there is more magic to come.

Anything else you’d like to share?

For a long time, I put off writing a book because I thought it would take away time from my career and coaching work, but the opposite happened.

Not only did working on the books rekindle my writing flame, it has reenergized and refined how I’m working with my clients.

To anyone who thinks, “I don’t have time to write a book” my advice is…just write it anyway. You might be surprised by the creativity, clarity, and focus that the process unleashes. Just start!


Sally, congratulations on your double-book achievement.

We can’t wait to watch you create book three, four, and five. Pretty soon, you’re gonna need a bigger bookshelf.


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