2024 scholarship applications are now closed and awared. Thank you!
Scholarship Program
We are proud to offer full and partial* scholarships for The Tiny Book Course in 2024 totaling nearly $45,000 in funding.
You receive the full-course experience (exactly the same as any other participant), including writing coaching, feedback on your manuscript, and a Get It Done Box (snail-mail gift) shipped to you.
If you want to write a book but have limited financial resources at this time, we invite you to apply for a scholarship. The full cost of The Tiny Book Course is $995.
Scholarship Criteria
If you need a scholarship, for any reason, we encourage you to apply.
In the spirit of equity, we give first priority to scholarship applicants who belong to the following communities:
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (and other members of the LGBTQIA+ community)
First responders
Healthcare workers
Preschool and K-12 teachers
People with disabilities/unique abilities
People who have experienced significant financial hardship during the pandemic
Other marginalized and underserved communities
Scholarship Timeline
Applications open: May 6, 2024
Applications close: June 19, 2024
All applicants will be notified no later than: July 17, 2024
Before You Apply
Please make sure the time frame works for your schedule. The course runs from August 14, 2024 through October 12, 2024. Thank you.
Our Belief
We believe that tiny actions can create a big ripple in the world.
Our hope is that this Scholarship Program creates a beautiful ripple that touches many lives.
Thank you for your interest and for being part of this community.
How to Apply for a Scholarship
To apply for scholarship, send an email to scholarship@youcangetitdone.com.
Email subject line of application should read: [Your name] – Get It Done Scholarship Application.
In the body of your email application, be sure to include the following six (6) items:
1) Basic Info
Full name
Email address
Pronouns (they/them, she/her, he/him, something else)
Are you requesting a full scholarship or a partial* scholarship? Feel free to write a brief statement (1-2 sentences) regarding financial need.
2) Book Idea
Tell us about the book you want to write. Please be as brief. One or two sentences is great.
“I want to write a children’s book about courage starring my dog Peanut.”
“I want to write a self-care journal for people struggling with PTSD.”
“I want to write a book about Hawaiian mythology.”
3) Project Status
Have you started writing the book yet?
A. Yes. I finished writing the book.
B. Yes. I started but I’m not finished yet.
C. No. I haven’t started writing yet.
4) Writing Sample
Please attach a brief writing sample. Any genre: non-fiction, fiction, poetry, etc. Two (2) pages or less. Word doc or PDF.
Your sample can be:
A sample from the book you’re currently working on
A sample from a book you wrote in the past
Another writing sample, such as an article, essay, blog post, newsletter, etc.
5) Letter of Support
Please attach one letter of support written by someone you know. Two (2) pages or less. Word doc or PDF.
Your letter can be written by:
A friend
A family member
A colleague, co-worker, or client
A coach, teacher, or mentor
Someone else in your support network
Please use this format:
[Name] is applying for a scholarship to take The Tiny Book Course which begins in August 2024 and ends in October 2024.
I am [Name]’s [friend, spouse, daughter, mentor, etc.], and I promise to support [name] while they complete the course.
I will cheer for them, give encouragement, and do everything in my power to make sure they stay on track, finish the course successfully, and graduate with a completed book.
I promise to be part of [Name]’s support network and help them achieve their goal.
[Name] will be a wonderful addition to the course because [reason].
[Extra credit: add anything else that you’d like to say].
[Letter writer’s name]
6) Final Details
Please include the following (copy/paste will work great!) at the end of your email to indicate YES for each statement.
I am applying for a scholarship to take The Tiny Book Course presented by Get It Done.
I understand that applying does not guarantee a scholarship.
I understand that this course covers how to write, edit, proofread, design, and self-publish a book.
I have basic computer skills. I know how to create a Word document, type in it, and save the doc. I know how to insert an image into a Word doc. I am familiar with free user-friendly design tools (like Canva), or I am willing to learn.
I took a look at The Tiny Book Course information page, particularly the Course Schedule. I understand when the course starts, ends, and when the meetings are happening. I am comfortable with the time commitment.
I promise to ask for help during the course as needed. I will email the Book Coach team, if I feel stuck or need help with my project.
I have not received a scholarship from Get It Done in the past. This will be my first time.
[Type your name]
We look forward to receiving your application.
*We do our absolute best to accommodate all requests. In the event that we receive a large number of applications (historically, this is the case), please know we plan to extend some level of financial assistance, if not the full amount. Should you only need a partial scholarship, please let us know, as that allows us to support even more writers.
Thank you for applying!